Review: Cruel Mother - Cut Down For The Earth


Cruel Mother released their first EP, titled Cut Down For The Earth the 12th of April. Their first single has previously been reviewed here, and I'm happy to now write about the full EP.

The band consists of Becky, who is the main composer, on bass, James and Kirstie on guitar, David on violin and Danon on drums. Vocals are handled by Becky and James, which gives room for a lot of variation in vocal styles and the possibility of interesting vocal harmonies.

I really enjoy the atmosphere the band creates. On the one hand, quite dreamy with the music flowing slow, and on the other hand with some really creepy undertones if you pay attention to the lyrics.

Despite having a clear stylistic form, mainly in a mix of folk and doom metal, there is enough variation between the songs to keep it interesting also for those that aren't dedicated folk or doom fans. The compositions are well executed, and the band takes the time to develop the songs and bring in new themes, in stead of droning over the same riff forever so that even the longer songs don't feel drawn out.

The compositions make me think of Cruachan, Skyclad and Lake of Tears. There is also some Bathory in the parts that need extra heavyness like on John Barleycorn and Down The Greenwood Slide. Sometimes you can also hear Black Sabbath in the melodies, like on The Red Barn and Will O' the Wisp, only with bass and violin carrying the melodies that in Black Sabbath would be played on guitars.

Will O' the Wisp also has elements of Pagan Altar, which makes sense when you consider that both bands do this very dark, folk lore inspired music. 

My final thoughts are that this EP is quite impressive as the band's first offering. There's very good musicianship and the music is well produced and well recorded, making it very hard to believe that the band has only existed since 2022!

Buy the music at their bandcamp:
and support them on instagram and facebook
