Review: Daughter - Arise, Daughters of Marsha

The song « Arise, Daughters of Marsha» is the debut single of the one woman black metal band Daughter by the artist «Deadname». While the artist herself refereces mostly black metal bands, particularly the old school Norwegian ones, I think the band I would first and foremost compare the song with is the dark metal originators Primordial. I would also mention early Enslaved and later Bathory.  

In stead of the laters epic atmosphere, Daughter creates a tense, downweighing atmosphere by the combination of a the harsh and raw sound with sorrowful and powerful melodies. This atmosphere seems perfect to convey the context that currently many transpersons experience.

I would say this is a cool first offering from a band with potential, and look forward to hearing more music from her.
The song will be released the 29th of February on streaming as well as on

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